Tuesday, May 10, 2005


It is always exciting (and at times frustrating) using new technology – but many times it is worth it! TaskStream is a web sites designed to help build electronic portfolios. Actually it can do a lot more than that...! But for now...

It is a subscription service that gives the individual and the school to way of running a folio assessment program. A folio assessment programs offer online tracking and evaluation of responses to pre-defined requirements within a participant submission portfolio. It uses the Directed Response Folio (DRF) as its key element – these are templates created by the university coordinators that define the program requirements plus scoring.

The idea is to have each participating student create his or her own DRF from the template with proper responses.

Ideally when all is said and done – the student will have a comprehensive set of artifacts and folios and reflections illustrating the extent of their understanding in fulfilling the the Teacher Performance Expectation (TPE) competencies.

Here is mine with the Educ 422 information fulfilling TPE 14 – take a peek:

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