Sunday, July 30, 2006


What a summer full of surprises… First about school, the second summer school session is now complete. I received excellent reviews from the teacher and the university supervisor; the students were receptive as well – see the survey in a previous post. The staff at the school was also very kind – thank you Ms. Francis!

OK so I have completed Beginning Student Teaching last semester (European History – BCLAD) and two summer sessions of the Advanced Student teaching (US History first session, World History the second session)… all went very well. Now for the surprise:

The principal wanted to talk to me – and offered me a job but instead of teaching history – I got a potential job offer to teach integrated science! Well that was a surprise! He had heard that I could teach science as well and pulled me in – there is a shortage of science teachers.

Coincidentally I got a second surprise from my corporate job. They are offering a sweetheart separation deal. I have 30 years with the company and it is indeed a great package. The only concern was would they let me go? They made it clear it was completely up to them. My boss said it was 50-50 because I was needed in some hot projects. I submitted my paperwork anyway and last Thursday I got a call that said they would approve it but only after September 29th. Incredible! After 30 years I am stepping out in faith changing careers….

Lots of things in the air – I am traveling to wrap up Corporate responsibilities – school is working with the University to insure that I am properly covered to teach the integrated science course… and in the meantime I have signed up to take the Science CSET series starting on September 16th. I figured I might as well solidify it so there is no question about my ability to handle the sciences in the NCLB environment. I will also take the Science methods classes at the University in addition to my second History methods class.

Like I said, a summer full of surprises – all positive I might add... this is the fulfillment of a long-ago promise!

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