Friday, April 14, 2006


It was a very interesting experience –

Having never participated in a writer’s workshop, a bilingual workshop none-the-less, the whole thing proved to be an exiting experience. The leader is a professional writer – and well trained in her craft. She shared some of her pointers…Here are some of them:

Write from the heart…
Be authentic…
Writing is transparent...
Respect your reader...
Mind the details...
Let it cool...
Writing is rewriting...
Don’t think...

There is also chemistry with the group that is fascinating – a Peruvian, a Mexican, a Puerto Rican and a Bolivian sitting with a Mexican-American creating and fine-tuning our journals. These are great folks – one is an accomplished poet, the rest including me are neophytes but with lots of “ganas”

The use of Spanglish is very interesting…. I have always held the purist opinion that you write in English or Spanish… honoring each language and not mixing the two except in extraordinary circumstances… but not here! I have to laugh…. mixing of the two languages is reminiscent of hearing “pocho-speak” – like our playful Latino College of Education professor who puts on his “pocho” hat and accent and has us in stitches! Even the title of the seminar is called “los bilingual writers” with a mirror image of the “bilingual” in Spanish…take a gander:

Very creative – don’t you think? Am I coming back? You bet – the writing combined with the great interaction with the participants turned the time into an interesting and productive evening…

Well, bueno pues, que nos queda… bye Vato!
If you care to participate contact Irene A. Márquez at (619)384-7144

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