Friday, March 31, 2006


I could not teach my last class… The class had to be re-scheduled for April. Very disappointing.

Why was school closed? Vista was closed because students walked out of class. Why did they do that? Students were protesting. What were they protesting? They were protesting new immigration laws.

As a history student - this is fascinating and without precedent. These are Latino students 13-18 years of age causing High Schools and Middle Schools to shut down in Vista, Oceanside and other cities in San Diego. The demonstrations have been for the most part peaceful (Thank God!) but revealing at the same time. With a bit of luck they will not become pawns of any political demagogue.

Hopefully there will be a realization of the cost.... to the student themselves, to parents, to the community, to the school, etc. Lesson #1: there is never a free lunch - someone will pay.

Oh boy, we live in interesting times.

Is this a tocsin of the things to come? What do you think?

1 comment:

Telma said...

Vi las noticias y la cosa se ve fea, sobretodo porque al parecer se está esparciendo por todo el sur.
Espero que todo salga bien, tanto para los EEUU como para los inmigrantes.
Mantenme al tanto, ok?