Monday, June 20, 2005


Well, progress!

First, a collective sigh of relief by all the cohort for Summer 2005 as we finish the Keating's bootcamp! This was a lot of work… [caution future teachers] but overall, productive if you wish to be a jongleur !

Second, I just got news that CSET Section II on US History is now history – I passed!

Third, I got accepted into the BCLAD portion of the program…

Overall good progress…but the beat goes one – summer continues – next is EDSS 511 the remaining lectures and the masochistic time compression! Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Hey – put it in perspective – this too will pass!

“¿No que no?”

1 comment:

Telma said...

Felicidades por los exitos que has alcanzado y fuerza! que conseguiras los demas =).