Monday, June 20, 2005


Well, progress!

First, a collective sigh of relief by all the cohort for Summer 2005 as we finish the Keating's bootcamp! This was a lot of work… [caution future teachers] but overall, productive if you wish to be a jongleur !

Second, I just got news that CSET Section II on US History is now history – I passed!

Third, I got accepted into the BCLAD portion of the program…

Overall good progress…but the beat goes one – summer continues – next is EDSS 511 the remaining lectures and the masochistic time compression! Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Hey – put it in perspective – this too will pass!

“¿No que no?”

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Weeks are rolling by! May is over and we are chipping away at June. The cohort program now becomes a bit clearer (the fog has not totally lifted) but the team building is interesting as a paradigm to learn how to teach. By force we have had to intersect with others in the group, by force we have had to learn more about our styles and preferences, by force we are learning to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, by force we are uniting as a team. I say by force because that is how you get through the class – but, interestingly enough the pressure to produce and perform as a group has “forced” us to be stressed beyond our comfort zone and things are getting done – and of relatively high quality… I think the paradigm is working…. I personally find the group work easier at times and at other times harder depending on partnering – which is natural…

There are some awesome incredibly creative people in our cohort….